Carne Vermelha - Parte II - Relatório de Alerta da OMS

É até agora a notícia do ano, no que ao mundo da nutrição diz respeito!

Para nós, JUNKFOODunmask, este assunto já estava encerrado (carnes vermelhas) com o artigo que já tinha sido publicado aqui no blog:

Carne Vermelha, a principal responsável das doenças cardíacas e da obesidade?

De qualquer maneira e para que os nossos leitores / fãs / seguidores fiquem esclarecidos, o relatório da OMS não foi emitido com base em nenhum estudo, foi sim baseado de acordo com evidência(??!!?), consensos e ASSOCIAÇÕES de "especialistas".

Ora sabendo que associação não significa causalidade e pode levar (como neste caso) a vários riscos de interpretação. Exemplo: "There is a strong positive correlation between ice cream sales and shark attacks. That is, as ice cream sales increase, the number of shark attacks increase. Is it reasonable to conclude the following? Ice cream consumption causes shark attacks."

Mas então quais são os estudos disponíveis:
Red meat and colorectal cancer: a critical summary of prospective epidemiologic studies, a conclusão essa é clara: "No mechanisms involving red meat intake, independent of other food items, has been clearly established as contributing to colorectal cancer risk. As summarized herein, the currently available epidemiologic studies of red meat intake and colorectal cancer generally show weakly elevated associations, along with some null and inverse associations, with the large majority being non-statistically significant. In addition, there is a lack of a clear dose– response relationship as many associations in the lower quantiles of intake are stronger than the associations in the highest quantiles of intake. Collectively, associations are variable by anatomic tumour site, with no clear pattern of associations for colon tumours or rectal tumours. Associations also vary by gender, and overall, the epidemiologic data are not indicative of a positive association among women. Findings among men are slightly stronger in magnitude, although the potential reasons for this observed disparity between genders is unclear. Bias and confounding are likely explanations for many of the positive associations reported across the epidemiologic literature – there may be a greater propensity to report positive associations for red meat than to report null associations. Furthermore, colinearity between red meat intake and other dietary factors (e.g. Western lifestyle, high intake of refined sugars and alcohol, low intake of fruits, vegetables and fibre) and behavioural factors (e.g. low physical activity, high smoking prevalence, high body mass index) limits the ability to analytically isolate the independent effects of red meat consumption. In conclusion, the currently available epidemiologic evidence is not sufficient to support a clear and unequivocal independent positive association between red meat intake and colorectal cancer."

Visto isto o que é que estamos aqui a discutir? Crenças? Ou Ciência?

Mas há mais.
Cancer incidence in vegetarians: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

É este: "The overall cancer incidence rates of both the vegetarians and the nonvegetarians in this study are low compared with national rates. Within the study, the incidence of all cancers combined was lower among vegetarians than among meat eaters, but the incidence of colorectal cancer was higher in vegetarians than in meat eaters."

Mas o melhor guardei para o fim e deixo que cada um pense por si. É uma notícia que li no Jornal Daily Mail  e que a ser verdade é triste.
World Health Organisation Taking Cash Handouts Coca-Cola plug black holes budget

Acho que estou a ficar com fome, o pequeno almoço com ovos, bacon e fruta já foi à umas quatro horas atrás e tenho um bifinho de vaca à minha espera, por isso vou ter de me despedir de vocês, sem antes vos deixar mais uma pérola que também vi esta semana na TVI A importância de comer massa!

Assim vai o mundo da nutrição..

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